The telegram channels below are in no way owned or associated with The Swag Academy, Chris Williams, Swaggy C or any member associated with The Swag Academy. Like I said above, If someone is trying to talk to you on Telegram or What’s App, understand it is NOT ME. I only have ONE OFFICIAL TELEGRAM known as Swaggy C's Camp. DO NOT JOIN THESE CHANNELS IF YOU THINK YOU ARE JOINING AN OFFICIAL SWAG ACADEMY TELEGRAM CHAT.
Scam Alert:
There are many Swag Academy, Chris Williams & Swaggy C impersonators out there. They use my name, pictures, and content to try and scam my viewers, subscribers, and followers into Ponzi-Schemes or trying to “invest your money for you.”
If you ever see any messages, links, or comments from any accounts different from my REAL accounts listed below, report them immediately. Additionally, if you receive any emails, or are asked to email someone who’s email does not end with this is a scam and I advise you to report them immediately and do not interact with them. If you believe someone is trying to impersonate The Swag Academy, Chris Williams, Swaggy C, or any associated team member, please email us immediately so we can try to stop them. Any member associated with my team including myself will have as their email such as [email protected]m. Any others are FAKE and are just trying to solicit money from
The Swag Academy team actively works to remove scammers to protect our customers, followers, and fans. However, there will always be scammers and it is your responsibility to research these individuals before interacting with them or purchasing any services or products from them and we do not take any responsibility for transactions or conversations that occur with these illegitimate individuals. We are trying our best to report them but every time we succeed, they try and make a new account.
Here is a list of my official accounts:
Common Scam Tactics:
Remember, Chris Williams (Swaggy C) and/or The Swag Academy will never do the following:
- I will never ask you for payment in Bitcoin.
- I will never email you using a Gmail/Yahoo/Hotmail address nor will anyone for The Swag Academy. Any legitimate email will end with only.
- I will never private message you, ask for your details, ask for money, etc.
- I will NEVER message you first. EVER.
- I will NEVER respond to you on my YouTube channel saying “message me and I can privately tutor you” or “message me and I can trade for you.” That is a scammer who just downloaded my picture as his. Please make sure to click on the user to see if MY YouTube comes up. Usually when you click the scammer’s page (my picture), it’ll be a blank YouTube. Which shows, it isn’t me.
- I will never send a request for money from you on Cash App, Venmo, Paypal, or Apple Pay.
- I will never ask to manage your money.
- I will never trade FOR you or on behalf of you. NEVER.
- I will never promise guaranteed returns. Nothing in the market is guaranteed! This is my real course and THIS doesn’t promote “guaranteed returns.” Nothing is guaranteed. This is merely a course to help you understand day trading. Any “Swaggy C” imposter promoting a guaranteed investment return is a SCAM.
If you are unsure if an email, social media message or comment is real,
Email: [email protected]Â
We will verify for you.
Youtube Scams
If you are a subscriber to my youtube channel you may see comments soliciting services under my content. Scammers have started creating Swag Academy channels using my profile picture to get my subscribers to message them. Again, this is not me and I DO NOT use Whatsapp or Telegram to communicate with my subscribers and will never guarantee any kind of returns. We do our best to moderate the comments and report impersonators but if you click the user and look at their channel you can clearly see they do not have my content and are a scam account.
Telegram Scams
The telegram channels below are in no way owned or associated with The Swag Academy, Chris Williams, Swaggy C or any member associated with The Swag Academy. Like I said above, If someone is trying to talk to you on Telegram or What’s App, understand it is NOT ME. I do NOT communicate with my subscribers on these platforms. DO NOT JOIN THESE CHANNELS IF YOU THINK YOU ARE JOINING AN OFFICIAL SWAG ACADEMY TELEGRAM CHAT.
Scam Alert:
There are many Swag Academy, Chris Williams & Swaggy C impersonators out there. They use my name, pictures, and content to try and scam my viewers, subscribers, and followers into Ponzi-Schemes or trying to “invest your money for you.”
If you ever see any messages, links, or comments from any accounts different from my REAL accounts listed below, report them immediately. Additionally, if you receive any emails, or are asked to email someone who’s email does not end with this is a scam and I advise you to report them immediately and do not interact with them. If you believe someone is trying to impersonate The Swag Academy, Chris Williams, Swaggy C, or any associated team member, please email us immediately so we can try to stop them. Any member associated with my team including myself will have as their email such as [email protected] & [email protected]. Any others are FAKE and are just trying to solicit money from
The Swag Academy team actively works to remove scammers to protect our customers, followers, and fans. However, there will always be scammers and it is your responsibility to research these individuals before interacting with them or purchasing any services or products from them and we do not take any responsibility for transactions or conversations that occur with these illegitimate individuals. We are trying our best to report them but every time we succeed, they try and make a new account.
Here is a list of my official accounts:
*TELEGRAM: WE DO NOT HAVE A TELEGRAM CHAT AND WILL NOT ASK YOU TO JOIN ANY CHAT BY COMMENTING OR MESSAGING/EMAILING YOU A LINK.*If someone is trying to talk to you on Telegram or What’s App, understand it is NOT ME. I do NOT communicate with my subscribers on these platforms. I use What’s App to personally talk to a friend in the UK but that’s IT. I do NOT use it to communicate with my fans. With Telegram, I don’t use Telegram at all. Please do NOT listen to ANYONE claiming they are me on Telegram and/or WhatsApp.
Common Scam Tactics:
Remember, Chris Williams (Swaggy C) and/or The Swag Academy will never do the following:
I will never ask you for payment in Bitcoin.
I will never email you using a Gmail/Yahoo/Hotmail address nor will anyone for The Swag Academy. Any legitimate email will end with only.
I will never private message you, ask for your details, ask for money, etc.
I will NEVER message you first. EVER.
I will NEVER respond to you on my YouTube channel saying “message me and I can privately tutor you” or “message me and I can trade for you.” That is a scammer who just downloaded my picture as his. Please make sure to click on the user to see if MY YouTube comes up. Usually when you click the scammer’s page (my picture), it’ll be a blank YouTube. Which shows, it isn’t me.
I will never ask you to sign up for my signal service. The Swag Academy does not provide signals of any kind and anyone asking you to join their signals group is a scam.
I will never tell you to join my telegram chat. I do not have a telegram chat.
I will never send a request for money from you on Cash App, Venmo, Paypal, or Apple Pay.
I will never ask to manage your money.
I will never trade FOR you or on behalf of you. NEVER.
I will never promise guaranteed returns. Nothing in the market is guaranteed! This is my real course and THIS doesn’t promote “guaranteed returns.” Nothing is guaranteed. This is merely a course to help you understand day trading. Any “Swaggy C” imposter promoting a guaranteed investment return is a SCAM.
If you are unsure if an email, social media message or comment is real,
Email: [email protected]
We will verify for you.
Youtube Scams
If you are a subscriber to my youtube channel you may see comments soliciting services under my content. Scammers have started creating Swag Academy channels using my profile picture to get my subscribers to message them. Again, this is not me and I DO NOT use Whatsapp or Telegram to communicate with my subscribers and will never guarantee any kind of returns. We do our best to moderate the comments and report impersonators but if you click the user and look at their channel you can clearly see they do not have my content and are a scam account.